Friday, February 3, 2012

blog assignment # 5

one of the themes that we discussed in class on thursday was PRIDE. Im going to discuss is the locker room scene. " HE" was preserving the bodies. As Easy sees the bodies of all the women that he has known throughout his life, he gets really emotional , especially when he sees bonnie and juanda. with the women hanging by hooks , it shows that whoever " HE " is saw the women as animals , especially BLACK women. how womens bodies was the scapegoat. i guess " HE" did that to the women because he really disappointment women , either in a sexual manner or in geneal. " HE" could never really explain or admit what he did because reason for action doesnt always work. " HE" just wanted to show pride in himself if not for everything that "HE" has done.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

blog assignment #4

this week in class we discussed race riots. how rumors and newspapers played roles of fact and fiction and roles of debt. how news narratives create the emotionally based actions, with emergencies , threats ; life or death, group identity and collective identity. how the roles of women bodies meant reproduction, women and children were the projection of innocence. we also discussed the story in darkness and confussion by ann petry. a man named william days starts off bad from the start. he lives in a top floor apartment in harlem but wants a better life for his family and himself. he goes to work then after goes to the barber shop, where they talk about everything and anything they want. he sees a soldier inside the shop and he knows he was with his son sam thats is in the army. he asks for his son and the soldier tells him that his son is in prison for shotting an MP. William is angry and keeps the secret to himself because he do not want to worry his wife pink. finally he is drunk on day and he sees pink in the street with a crowd of people and he tells her the truth of what happened to their son. pink is so overrun by emotion that she throws a glass soda bottle into a glass window of a show and starts a riot. william is so surprised by her action and proud of her that he finally understand that they were meant to be. "the violent, explosive sound fed the sense of power in him. pink had started this. he was proud of her, for she had shown herself to be a fit mate for a man of his type" ( petry 287). pink dies in the end of a heart attack but really it seems like if she died of heart break, from being so heart broken about her son.

we also spoke about little scarlet by walter mosley. justice is a theme in the book. its the races coming together and a commodity- market. but overall its the debt. even though justice do not equal to debt. how violence is biologizing = emotional. how the urges and wants are all primal

Friday, January 20, 2012

blog assignment #3

class on thursday was interesting, we talked about hanover; or the persecution of the lowly by david bryant thorne,jack, aka fulton. my group discussed how the newspapers were used for both good and evil. how the newspaper manipulated people because people never challenged popular thought. so whatever was written , people believed. how the black man that ran his newspaper was being told to retracted what he wrote because the white men did not like what he wrote. the white men and black men as well only liked to write things that would be popular and would have them in the limelight. " the great newspapers of today are too engrossed in weightier matters to concern themselves to any extent with things that promote directly the interest of the ten million black americans. that is largely the cause of the existence of the negro editors. the negro, like the white man, likes to read something good of himself; likes to see his picture in the paper;like to read of the social and business affairs of his people; likes to see the bright and sunnyside of the character portrayed; so he often turns from the great journals (who are if saying anything at all convencing him, worring over the " negro problem " (?)) to look at the bright side presented by the negro newspaper. " ( fulton 16 ). it shows how the newspaper gets people to act, and how the newspaper is the public opinion instrument.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The lynchings that took place in the 19th century are examples of subjective violence. Its examples of subjective violence because we know that it was the white people lynching the black people to protect their women and children. The purpose of the violent lynchings is because the white men wanted to protect their women and children from being raped and killed by the black men. the white men saw themselves as victims not as the ones that were dangerous and doing harm to the real victims.The lynching were so popular that they are basically a sport , so its like a football games in our time. the exact crowd that attends the professional football games is the sames as the crowd that attends the lynching. they will cheer as the men or women was being burned to death, then collect the pieces of the burned body and save it as a memorbilia. the connection to "punishment" is very noticable because the person that is being lynched is being punished for something that the white people felt like they are guilty for. In the 19th century , there was not really any racial identity in the United States. if you were Puerto Rican or Brazilian or anything else, and you told someone from the United States you were anything other then white or black , they would not know what you were talking about. You were either black or white and thats about it.